Category: Outdoor-Cooking
6-Oz Grill Time Charcoal Fire Lighter Gel $3.10 More + Free Shipping
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Looking for a better way to barbecue with Charcoal? Have you tried Coconut Charcoal for your Family Barbecue? The Time-to-Grill Natural charcoal is made from the coconut shell, being carbonized and then compressed. Thus it is environmentally friendly being derived from a renewable resource and being 100% organic in its content. Our premium charcoal is carefully produced from pure selected coconut shell and processed by skillful hand to deliver the quality. During your cooking with the Ultimate Portable Grill line up, only a small amount of the Time-to-Grill Charcoal is required.
100% natural wood charcoal
Heats quickly
5 lbs. box of charcoal
Small size fits perfectly in our Game Day grill charcoal container
Price: $3.09 $6.18

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